The Theory of Embedded Intelligence can be used as a foundation of understanding all things.
Humanity has found serious conflict of opinions, economies, communities, cultures, and beliefs. Once we know and understand we can begin to apply what we know and understand.
We have a choice. Do we want to know, understand, and apply what we understand or on the other hand do we NOT want to know, understand, and apply what we know and understand?
Whenever we follow a belief instead of knowledge and understanding we make a choice and that is simply to NOT know and understand. Not knowing and not understanding results in conflicts of beliefs instead of sharing what we know and understand. Simply stated, “believing” when we can know and understand confuses and defeats our individual embedded intelligence and therefore our collective embedded intelligence.
It has been my observation that conflicts of beliefs are the core issue facing mankind! Understanding and applying The Theory of Embedded Intelligence is a method for eliminating unnecessary conflict. Replacing conflict with a synergy benefits all living and non-living things.
The time is now to re-view and re-new the understanding of all significant philosophies, beliefs, myths, religious documents, and understandings under the microscope of The Theory of Embedded Intelligence for the benefit of all.
This response was written in Costa Rica during a visit and stay in Ted Humphrey’s condo in Costa Rica in around 2014. Ted is founding Dean of the first honors college in America in July 1988, now known as Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University. Ted and I are sometimes considered “thought partners” by Barrett. I have known and communicated with Ted for more than 20 years about my microprocessor technology, embedded intelligence technology (EIT).