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EI Presentation


From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_cause

Aristotle’s theology

“The unmoved movers are, themselves, immaterial substance,”

“This immaterial form of activity must be intellectual in nature and it cannot be contingent upon sensory perception if it is to remain uniform; therefore eternal substance must think only of thinking itself and exist outside the starry sphere, where even the notion of place is undefined for Aristotle.”

This is Embedded Intelligence, Aristotle style.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information

“Information is that which informs, i.e. that from which data can be derived. Information is conveyed either as the content of a message or through direct or indirect observation of something. That which is perceived can be construed as a message in its own right, and in that sense, information is always conveyed as the content of a message.”

Rob Blair writes:

“Phase 1 “EI”: Embedded Information – non-living “bits” of the universe which itself evolved from an energy plasma, to sub atomic particles to elementary matter to stars, planets, etc.  Astrophysicists like David Weintraub and theorists like Alan Guth have worked much of this out (see Guth’s book: The Inflationary Universe). This leads to Phase 2.

Phase 2 “EI”: Embedded Intelligence – living things that by definition evolved an awareness of self over geologic time enough to react in a manner to metabolize and adapt to its surroundings, reproduce, contain an assembly code (DNA, RNA) that is maintained and passed along via reproduction (add additional attributes). Living things have the ability to “learn, understand and deal with new situations” to survive. This leads to Phase 3.

Phase 3 “EI”: Embedded Integration – the human species now appears to be entering into a new age where electronic sensing and communication is linking a majority of the population and its environment into a singular-acting “organism” (see July 2014 Scientific American cover article “Living in the connected World: How global sensor networks are extending the human nervous system” and Peter Russell’s Global Brain).”


Power Point


Fred Washburn writes:

“All living things have a built-in embedded intelligent system to survive. Whether it be the amoeba knowing when to divide, the bird how to fly, or humans knowing how to learn and apply what they have learned, all have an embedded intelligence system.”

In the book titled The Inner Reaches of Outer Space by Joseph Campbell writes on pages 13 and 14:

“Bioenergies that are the essence of life itself, and which, when unbridled, become terrific, horrifying, and destructive.

The first, most elementary and horrifying of all, is the innocent voraciousness of life which feeds on lives and provides the first interest of the infant feeding on its mother.”

“The second primal compulsion, linked almost in identity with the first (as recognized in the Abyssinian Paean), is the sexual, generative urge, which during the years of passage out of infancy comes to knowledge with such urgency that in its seasons it overleaps the claims even of the first.”

“A third motivation, which on the world stage of world history has been the unique generator of the action – since the period, at least, of Sargon I of Akkad, in southern Mesopotamia, c. 2300 BC – is the apparently irresistible impulse to plunder. …. an impulse launched from the eyes, not to consume, but to possess.”

We humans have developed and evolved our embedded intelligence system to such a degree that we are constantly exploring what we know to be our body, mind, soul, and the world or universe we live in. Now we are beginning to understand what we know about the universe, both sub-atomically and beyond the bounds of this planet, searching for the embedded intelligence of everything.

Sometimes our beliefs are held onto long after we know better, thus disabling or confusing our embedded intelligence. We celebrate and enjoy our beliefs, what we know, and understand providing for application of that which we understand, engineering a better world we live in.


Definition of Terms

Since we have many definitions of our words or terms we need to define our terms.

One definition of philosophy is “the speculative inquiry in the knowledge of mankind”. The early philosophers began to wonder about what was known and unknown. They and all philosophers speculate on the knowledge and understanding of mankind, questioning, and looking for answers to all sort of questions.

Embedded is defined as “that which is placed within”.

Intelligence for living things is defined as “the ability to learn, understand, and deal with new situations”. For non-living things intelligence is defined as that which provides for self-assembly of atomic structures from energy with available information.

Belief is defined here as “an opinion stronger than an impression and less strong than positive knowledge of the truth or reality of something”. Belief precedes knowledge and understanding.

Science is defined as “knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding”. Basically, all “sciences” are established to analyze the world in and around us.

Engineering is “the practical application of science, technology, and mathematics”, completing STEM. A simpler definition for engineering would be “the practical application of information”.

Matter is defined “as the substance of which a physical object is composed”.

The body of a living or non-living thing is defined as “the physical whole of an organism”.

The mind of a thing is the “intellectual ability” of that thing.

The soul of a thing is “the immaterial essence or animating principle of an individual life”.

The word wonder is defined as “a cause of astonishment or surprise”. Socrates, the first philosopher, was known to have said “Philosophy begins in wonder.”

To be curious is to “have a desire to investigate and learn”.

A life form or living organism is defined as “a state of an organism characterized especially by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction”. Another way of relating to a living organism is that which has the ability to self-assemble.

Assemble means “to bring together for a particular purpose”, in the case of a life form, to live. The self-assembly of our Sun could be considered a huge self-assembly as is the Earth, moon, stars, planets, and other phenomena of the universe.

Evolution means “the process of change especially from a lower to higher state”.

Chemistry is “the science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances”.

Atoms are “the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist alone or in combination”.

The first matter could have been a hydrogen atom, one electron and one proton decided to hang-out together. The energy that keeps the electron and the proton together is an energy of attraction. Living things have scaled this energy of attraction, philosophically speaking, for not only individual survival but also for survival of the species, reproduction.

Magnetism is a mysterious form of energy and “the science that deals with the phenomena of a material with the ability to attract”, as possessed by a magnet.

Gravity is another mysterious form of energy of attraction of the mass of a celestial body, such as Earth, for bodies close to it.

A particle is defined as “a very small bit of matter”.

An energy or wave packet is “a small bundle” of energy. All things both living and non-living are forms of energy. Since all living and non-living things are built from chemical elements or matter, we need to recognize that all matter is comprised of atoms.

Notice that all atoms must have had an embedded intelligence for not only self-assembly from energy but also for survival. It is here proposed that “energy decided to matter”. Here we use two definitions of matter one the above definition and a second definition, “a subject of interest or concern”. Energy decided to both become matter and become a subject of interest and concern, of wonder.

Notice in the “Periodic Table of Elements” that there are 91 naturally occurring elements or atomic structures and man-made atomic structures totaling 118 elements.

Again, philosophically speaking, the energy conversion to and from matter must be occurring everywhere in the universe and beyond, for all time without spatially ending.

Anthropology is “the science of human beings”.

Theology is “the study of religions, religious ideas, and religious beliefs”.

Mythology is the “study of imaginary or unverifiable person or thing, usually legendary narrative that presents part of the beliefs of a people or explains a practice or natural phenomenon”. Mythology pre-dates religions, philosophy, and the sciences of the mysteries of Life.


Reading list:

1)      The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People helps one organize one’s thinking.

2)      The Magic of Conflict suggests that within conflicting ideas, creativity flourishes.

3)      The Philosophy Book, Big Ideas Simply Explained is a brief explanation of approximately 100 of the most famous philosophers and philosophies over the   last 2500 years.

4)      Tao of Physics explains how Eastern mystics arrived at the same conclusions as atomic physicists, the world is made of energy.

5)      The Power of Myth explains how myths have been a need of humanity for thousands of years, from the first humans to inhabit Earth.

6)      Myths to Live By explains how one can benefit from myths today, the last paragraph of this book is awesome.

7)      The Inner Reaches of Outer Space  this by Joseph Campbell begins “Reviewing with an unprejudiced eye the religious traditions of mankind, one becomes very soon aware of certain mythic motifs that are common to all, though differently understood and developed in the differing traditions: ideas, for example, of a life beyond death, or of malevolent and protective spirits.” This book helps explain how and why humans used myth to find answers to questions unknown, filling the void of mystery with answers.

8)      Care of the Soul explains how one can arrive at understanding human behavior through understanding the soul in addition to understanding the mind through psychology.

9)      The Soul of Leadership explains how to and how one can benefit from connecting with one’s soul.

10)  Benjamin Franklin by: Isaacson explains the unique character of a revolutionary nation builder.

11)  Steve Jobs by: Isaacson explains the unique character of a soul leader of a technology revolution.

12)  Einstein – The Life of a Genius by: Isaacson explains how one person’s curiosity, imagination, and follow-through can revolutionize thinking and change the world.

13)  Outliers explains how one can get lucky, when preparation meets opportunity.

14)  Leaders of the Information Age contains biographical sketches of 250 people who have contributed to the Information Age over a 500 year period, since the printing press.

The Tau of Physics, proposes that all atoms or chemical elements are formed from energy. The deeper atomic physicists drill into atomic structures they find new and interesting energy wave-packets sometimes also referred to as “particles”. “The way” or Tau of physics compares the work of atomic physicists to that of Eastern Mystics.

The Tau of Physics seems to infer that somehow atomic structures, with their embedded intelligence, found a way to self-assemble from energy.

The Power of Myth, Myths to Live By, Care of the Soul, and The Soul of Leadership, suggest that it is time we eliminate the confusion of religions, which tend to combine mythology with reality and create and enforce rules to live by. Spiritual energy is component of the individual human and communities of humans.  This spiritual energy is a blessing and can be a destructive force when there is conflict of ideas among likeminded communities of people with out-of-control passion to back up their beliefs.

The fascinating biographies of Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, and Albert Einstein were written by Walter Isaacson. Benjamin Franklin, helped synergize the embedded intelligence of a nation, Steve Jobs, led a company that changed our communications system synergizing the embedded intelligence of a world, and Albert Einstein created an interest in energy matters with his theories of relativity and equation, E=MC squared.

The Outliers book explains, due to when and where they are born and the circumstances they are born in creates the opportunity for how The Leaders of the Information Age got lucky, when preparation met opportunity.


Where are we going from the Information Age?

Some noteworthy contributors to our worldwide embedded intelligence are, Google, for making the world or humanity’s information searchable, Facebook for socially connecting people, and Twitter for connecting people with simple and convenient digital messages.

About 250 years ago Ben Franklin, the world’s leading scientist concerning at that time, lamented that he couldn’t think of one thing that electricity was useful for. Now look at all that humanity has created that is powered by electricity to operate, extend, and evolve our embedded intelligence of our wonder-full world.


With your help, are we going to the Age of Understanding?

With the Information Age, empowered by microprocessor embedded intelligence technology, evolving our abilities to access, search, and re-search all kinds of topics, we are on the threshold of the Age of Understanding. Each and every one of us can now pursue knowing any topic and then understand said topic. We have to be ready to learn and understand. When we are ready to learn, no one can stop us now. The barriers of understanding have been lifted in the Age of Understanding, mind, body, soul, and the universe we live in.


-Bill Mensch with David Cramer, Fred Washburn, and Robert Blair


Copyright 2010-2014


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