Bringing real world Engineering Principles to the classroom!
8/16 Microcomputer Education and learning platforms such as the Xxcelr8r series have been around for decades, but they’ve never been easy to use. This is primary because the understanding of real world engineering principles was only available to those who sought them out. Anyone can pick up an SXB or Programmable Xxcelr8r Board (PXB) and get it to do something interactive in less time than it takes to watch a movie. With only a handful of basic materials, you can make a stuffed animal talk, create a light show with LEDs, collect environmental data and post it to the Internet – the possibilities are endless. This really appeals to educators because of it very quickly inspires students. Being able to boss around a computer is a powerful skill and it’s pretty rewarding too. But there are many tools that students can use and different tools are suited to different stages of learning
65xx in Education
University Of Arizona- Mixed Signal Project outline
Carnegie Mellon University-
Georgia Tech use of Atari- Article 1 , Article 2
Professor and Pat by Ted Kosan- Website, PDF
Why Assembly Language Programming is Important